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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Tracy, a woman employee of a foreign private office, want to go to work that morning and was waiting for city buses in front of the road not far from her home.
As usual clothing worn tight enough, mini skirt, so that her body looks more sexy curves of her body.
City bus arrived, Tracy tried to ride through the back door, but why not nyampe feet on the steps of the bus. Recognizing the tightness of her skirt, left hand stuck out rearward to lower the zipper of her skirt so that a little bit loose.
But, she still did not go up, repeat again lowered the zipper of her skirt. Still not able to ride well into the bus stairs.
To attempt a third time, has not de-grade she lower the zipper of her skirt again, suddenly there was a strong hand pushed her ass from behind until Tracy jumped and went inside the bus.
Tracy look back to know who is pushed her, there were long-haired young man was grinning to see Tracy.
"Hey, you insolent, rude dare, touching someone's ass!"
The young man said calmly: "That rude is you, do not know already dared to lower my pants zipper"

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