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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


There was a U.S. soldier into intelligence on Iraq. He was given the camel vehicle. Along the way the feet of the camel kicked an object, after investigation it turns out that a magic lamp, recalling the ancient story about a magic lamp that he rubbed out his genie.
And it's true after the washing out of the genie,
" Poh Huahahaha pah! thank you my lord, now you have three requests "
"Are you sure?" Said the soldier
"Yes," replied the genie,
"OK first I want to be like arnold swazeneger, then the second one I want to be U.S. president"
"Then!" said the genie,
"The third, my genitals is small (pointing at the genitals) I want my genitals are like camels (camel pointing)" More soldiers.
"Ok!" Said the genie, "but all is tomorow (tomorrow morning),"
After a morning wake up the intelligence, well he was proud to see a large body like arnold, then he remembered that the second request "Oh yes, where I" after opening the window "wow! In the White House, I've become president, what about the third request ! he opened his pants and then,
Apparently a female camel!

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