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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


One day at a traffic ... there are three beggars were gathered to talk about their work on one day ...
beggars 1: nice folks, let's count our profits today ...
beggars 2 & 3: come on ...
beggars 1: Thank god. ... my get 2 million today ...
beggar 2: wow fantastic ... how to do? (with a curious tone)
beggars 1: hahahahahahahhaha .... It's easy ... my just pretended blind ..., let them in pity ...
beggar 2: oh .... so so yah? but still a lot of me ... my can be 5 million ...
beggars 1: wah?? how to do? (in disbelief)
beggar 2: it's easy ... I pretended my leg stump of their result on sorry ... ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah
Beggar 3 paused only a second look theme cool to talk ...
beggars 1: hey, you know why? why so sad?
beggar 2: From when did you not say anything ... tell me how muchyour could?
beggars 3: Today, I did not get anything ... every time I approach the people, they quickly run away ... it looks like they repulsed away from me
beggars 1: why?
penegmis 2: What is trick your today? What you have notshowered, so people on the run?
beggars 3: not so ... I tried a new trick ... I think it would work ... uh ...turned out pesky
beggar 1 & 2: What's the trick?
beggars 3: (innocently) I pretended amputated my head, hoping they in pity ... and it turns out, they run away ...


A girl came for treatment and after review by a physician, she was injected with an additional request, DO NOT BE A BIG NEEDLE

Doctors began to take a disposable injection and the girl as she squirmed on the bed mengeliat check possible for fear of saying over and over,

"Doc, do not be a big needle ..."

Because doctors are already annoyed preparing injectable medications in the injections showed the girl as she says
"Here, is small needle anyway, if a large mine ..."
The girl stared past his own smiles.


A husband who caught his wife was cheating with men who did not know, spontaneous killing both.
These events occurred on the day Tuesday last week. Later this week she on trial with the maximum demands death penalty, 's awful news be the topic of conversation among the neighbors of the husband and wife are not yet blessed with children,
In a lively chat diwarung afternoon coffee, who presume to know-know a handsome, which is one of their close neighbors said relief:
"Still lucky, the occurrence is not on Monday, friends ... ... ..",
"Then on Monday if so what ... ...",
"If it happens on Monday, who was murdered by her husband that death instead of that poor man, but MEEE ... ".


A man goes into a cake shop and order a cake for a birthday party his wife.
"What would be written on the anniversary 's tart, sir?" Asked the sweet girl who cater to him.
"Mmmm, just write 'Honey, you're not getting older' at the top, and connect with 'Honey, you're only more beautiful' at the bottom ..." said the man.
The next day, he came to take tartnya and continue to bring home to his wife offered to a dear in front of other guests.
And when the tart that opened in the front his wife and other guests invited, he had nearly fainted when I read the text contained in that tart:


Tracy, a woman employee of a foreign private office, want to go to work that morning and was waiting for city buses in front of the road not far from her home.
As usual clothing worn tight enough, mini skirt, so that her body looks more sexy curves of her body.
City bus arrived, Tracy tried to ride through the back door, but why not nyampe feet on the steps of the bus. Recognizing the tightness of her skirt, left hand stuck out rearward to lower the zipper of her skirt so that a little bit loose.
But, she still did not go up, repeat again lowered the zipper of her skirt. Still not able to ride well into the bus stairs.
To attempt a third time, has not de-grade she lower the zipper of her skirt again, suddenly there was a strong hand pushed her ass from behind until Tracy jumped and went inside the bus.
Tracy look back to know who is pushed her, there were long-haired young man was grinning to see Tracy.
"Hey, you insolent, rude dare, touching someone's ass!"
The young man said calmly: "That rude is you, do not know already dared to lower my pants zipper"


In a community health center in the area were minimal pelaratan there was a male patient being examined by a doctor his blood by pricking her finger device to the patient, but because the blood would not come out bu the doctors do not mind losing a finger inserted in the patient's mouth to aspirated .
"Ma'am. actually I was not pain finger, but I am pain with diabetes "said the patient was
With the face of shame, woman doctor told her patient, "Sir if the examination that not here but there '
Doctors said woman, pointing to the localization of "prostitution" ...


A woman came home and preached to her husband if menahunnya migraine disease was cured completely. Apparently he went to visit hypnotists. She was taught for bersugesti and told to stand facing the mirror, then looked at his eyes as he repeated the words "I do not have a migraine, I do not have a migraine, my do not have a migraine!" The result? Migraine was gone ..
  "Wow ... really great, honey!", Said her husband. The wife then said, "Honey, you know yourself, lately you are not passionate and slumped on the bed. What if you also to the hypnotist therapy? "
The husband agreed and left. After joining, he went home immediately ripped off his clothes, holding his wife and took her to the room.
She placed the wife who was smiling affectionately at the bed and said, "Do not go anywhere, I'll be right back!" He went to the bathroom, returned several minutes later, jumped into the bed and they were soon involved in a romance that is burning, yet the wife never felt before, "Wow ... you're incredible!"
Eit! That is not done nothing. Do not go everywhere. I'll be right back! "Again the husband went into the bathroom, go back to bed and start the second round of even more hot again.
Round 3 was again the husband says, "Be right back!" This time, he praised the "greatness" of the husband, the wife secretly followed him and there he saw her husband standing in front of the mirror and said, "She was is not my wife ... ! She was is not my wife ...! She was secretary ...! She was secretary ...!