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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


A couple recently married was lying. The wife was getting ready for bed while her husband turned on a reading lamp to read a book.
At the middle of reading it, the man paused, reached into his pants and his wife groped her vagina. Then he went on reading. He returned to do this many times so that his wife eventually became aroused. Shortly thereafter, his wife woke up, sat on her husband's body and began to undress and pants.
Her husband was astonished by this act of his wife and asked, "What the hell is this? How come all the clothes off anyway? "
His wife said, "You put your finger over and over again. I think it is warm up and you want to 'make love to me' tonight ... "
"Ah, not at all too!", Replied her husband.
"So, why did you do it continually?"
"I just wet my fingers so I can easily turn the pages in the book I'm reading this ...
"Damn ... &^&$#@%&*!!!"

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