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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


A woman came home and preached to her husband if menahunnya migraine disease was cured completely. Apparently he went to visit hypnotists. She was taught for bersugesti and told to stand facing the mirror, then looked at his eyes as he repeated the words "I do not have a migraine, I do not have a migraine, my do not have a migraine!" The result? Migraine was gone ..
  "Wow ... really great, honey!", Said her husband. The wife then said, "Honey, you know yourself, lately you are not passionate and slumped on the bed. What if you also to the hypnotist therapy? "
The husband agreed and left. After joining, he went home immediately ripped off his clothes, holding his wife and took her to the room.
She placed the wife who was smiling affectionately at the bed and said, "Do not go anywhere, I'll be right back!" He went to the bathroom, returned several minutes later, jumped into the bed and they were soon involved in a romance that is burning, yet the wife never felt before, "Wow ... you're incredible!"
Eit! That is not done nothing. Do not go everywhere. I'll be right back! "Again the husband went into the bathroom, go back to bed and start the second round of even more hot again.
Round 3 was again the husband says, "Be right back!" This time, he praised the "greatness" of the husband, the wife secretly followed him and there he saw her husband standing in front of the mirror and said, "She was is not my wife ... ! She was is not my wife ...! She was secretary ...! She was secretary ...!

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