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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


A bride and groom, Cindy and Anderson, going through his firstnight. After the event ended, this bridal pair entered the room. In the room was stacked gifts from their peers. One by one gift is opened, the sudden Cindy laughed in delight. What article? Turns out he found a shoe containing gifts ... he would try to wear, theseshoes were too small. He continued to insist, but in vain. Andersonwho can not bear to see, keep asking:

Anderson: "Why, too narrow?"
Cindy: "Yes dear, very sick nih ..."
Anderson: "I enter so slowly?"
Cindy: "Yes dear, but do not be so loud?"

Her husband helped put a shoe on the foot of his wife's narrow withlittle force.

Cindy: "... dear it's sick,  it is too small ..."
Anderson: "Hold dear, yes I try again?"

Without them knowing it, the bride's parents, Mrs. Kathrine,eavesdrop again behind the bride's door ... the bride's mother isapparently thought differently ... he did not have the heart to thesisters of children who experience difficulty the first night, so noresistance, the bride's mother was forced to interrupt from behind the door.

Mrs. Kathrine: "Why my child, difficult entry?"
Cindy: "Yes mom ..."
Anderson: "smallness anyway, aunt  ..."
Mrs. Kathrine: "Try topical with saliva ..."
Anderson: "I'll try aunt."
Cindy: "come on,  honey, smeared with saliva ..."

With haste groom smeare the entire surface of the foot of his wife with saliva.

Anderson: "come Try to enter it again, dear?"
Cindy: "okay, dear ..."
Once inserted legs spread with saliva before, it is easy to enter.
Anderson: "Aha ... go right now?"
Cindy: "Yeah ... but ..."
Anderson: "Why, it’s still sick?"
Cindy: "Yeah, but it was not so hell, even already good."
Mrs. Kathrine: "Well ...  get in right? Now we just rocked, son. "..

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