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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


A couple playing golf near a luxury housing. Because of the spirit, swing from Cindy, the name of the woman, so strong that a golf ball on the glass house nearby. They were surprised that an ancient vase from China also was broken because hit a golf ball. "Sorry. My wife accidentally, "said Alvin, her husband, the Man who sits in the house. "Thank you. You set me free from the shackles of the vase. I am a genie and I would pass three wishes because that 's. For you, your wife, and for me, "he said. "What is your request?" "I want each month a billion dollars in my account," asked Alvin. "Abracadabra. Check your account, "he said. "Then, you?" Asked the Mr. to Cindy. "I want for luxury jewelry," She replied. "Abracadabra. Already done, you can see in your closet drawer! "The man said again. "Then, what you request, Mr. Genie?" Asked Alvin. "I want to make love with your wife," replied the Man.. They were surprised. But because the genie are generous to give everything,  they was allowed Cindy to accompany the genie. All day Cindy serve the sexual needs of Mr. Genie. Toward evening that Man allow Cindy to go home. "Thanks," he said. "Indeed, how old are you?" Said Mr. Genie. "I am 25 years old," says Cindy. "25 years old still believing genie?" Said the Man .

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