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Saturday, October 1, 2011


An American tourist on vacation in China. When in China, he played with a wanton woman without a condom. A week later, he returned to the U.S. and saw his genitals covered with circles of green and purple colors.
With fear he immediately went ko doctor. Doctors are confused, because it had never seen this, do some tests and said that the test results will be known in two days.
Tourists are back again two days later and the doctor said: "Bad news. The name of your disease is Mongolian VD. Very rare and almost unheard of here. We only know very little about this disease. "
The tourist confusion and answered: "Well ... it's up to you, want to be treated how, dock, anyway ... I quickly healed." Replied the doctor, "Sorry, until now unknown methods of proper healing. I think we have to amputate your penis. "
The tourists screaming in horror, "You're kidding! Will not! I want to find another doctor! "Replied the doctor:" OK .. up to you, go ahead, but amputation is the only way. "
Then the next day the tourist looking for Chinese doctors, with the hope at least he knows something about his illness. The Chinese doctor examined him and said (with a Chinese accent) "you are very rare diseases, you know, it's called Mongolian VD." The tourists annoyed and replied: "Yes .. I know, but what can be cured? Yesterday, an American doctor said that the only way the surgery and amputation, is not it? "
Chinese doctor laughed and shook his head, "Aiyaaa .. ... stupid American doctor, always wants to make money, aaa .... operation isoperation was ..., no surgery is necessary, ... "The tourists happy
"Thank God ... fortunately .... fortunately .... "
"Do not be afraid ... wait two weeks, will also break their own, do not need to pay expensive for the operation ...."

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