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Saturday, October 1, 2011


On the way out of town, Roy Sukro forced to stay in a small hotel in a city.
At night, unable to stand again will feel lonely and cold that is gripping, Roy Sukro called the receptionist on the lower floor.
Roy Sukro: "Please send me a hooker is pretty here."
The hotel owner's wife who happened to be on duty at the reception desk was very angry to hear the request for her guest. she told her husband to throw Roy Sukro out of the hotel.
But her husband objected. He said demand Roy Sukro is something natural and not harm anyone. After all, he did not want to lose his best customer
Wife: "Well! If you do not want; let me throw him, "said the wife and then immediately ran upstairs.
For about twenty minutes, the sound of frenzied above. Shortly after it appeared Roy Sukro find the hotel owner and said,
Roy Sukro: Perhaps, the woman was indeed the most pretty in the city. But unfortunately, she's a little naughty. I so had raped her.

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