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Saturday, October 1, 2011


Long ago in a kingdom, there lived a princess and a king ....Princess is very, very beautiful that the king had loved her so much...
One day, the king was about to go to neighboring countries toattend a meeting, and the princess lived alone in the palace.
Because of her love for the king ... the princess is planning to bringsomething to the king when the king came home later .... The Princess knew that the king was very love the flowers, then later the princess went to the flower garden to look for flowers.
In the flower garden looks a cattle herders who was tiredness, thenherders's body lay in the grass with a wag of his hat, because the air is very hot, he finally took off all his clothes and naked, finally the herders is asleep too.
Arriving in the flower garden, the princess walked around to findflowers and she arrived at the place of the herders.
The princess was surprised to see something "stand up .." like abat (Pubic the herders) ... she then walked over and said ... "wow ...this beautiful flower, briefly looked like mushrooms ... ....", Then the princess held it and it was increasingly enlarge ...
"Wow this miraculous flower, can be enlarged when touched." The princess was then increasingly keen to tamper with the herderspubic.
"I have to take it to the king, he would have liked." And the princesswent home ...
After the incident, The herders are very happy ... then he told the men of the village residents about the event.
Herder: "Gentlemen .... You try to nap in the flower garden in the nude ... wuihhhh. ... Yesterday I tried to sleep there, suddenly camea princess while my pubic touching ... it feels very good ... "
Male 1: "Ah, you do not lie"
Shepherd: "I swear this truth brother ... .... Just try."
Male 2: "Okay tomorrow we try ... .. How my friends .. you areagree? "
The Men: "Agreed !!!!!!!!! go ahead, brother "
Then the next day .... Dozens of male villagers are lying neatly in the nude, like a herders's instructions.
Soon after the princess arrived with a basket and a knife. Arrivingat the place of the princess was surprised ... "Wow, so many rare flowers that like yesterday ... Well, I'll take home all of them ..."

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