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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


On one morning a woman and her child came into the practice room doctor. Though it has not started practice doctor. The woman looked panicked and knocked on the door doctor loudly and repeatedly; while carrying his son whose eyes were bulging almost out.

Doctor out of his office and the lady immediately burst with a panicked voice: "Doctor, Doctor, help my child. From the morning his eyes bulging continue like this. "
Doctor: "Excuse me, ma'am I have not practice. It's still too early. "
The woman remained adamant and said: "I'll pay whatever, just heal my child."

The doctor did not argue anymore and immediately took the child inside. Not until five minutes the doctor came out with a child who has been healthy and cheerful laugh.

She was immediately amazed, as she hugged her son, he said: "Golly, doctor what medication was given my child, and I have to pay how much??"

The doctor replied lightly: "Free Ma'am, do not have to pay, but I remind you, if you put up a band not too tight ..."

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