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Saturday, September 24, 2011


A young foreigners who was drunk, sunbathing on the beach naked at all. When he saw a little girl age 7 years passed, he closes a particular body part with the newspaper he was reading.
Surprised, the little girl said, "What Uncle covered with paper?" the little girl asked innocently, pointing at the paper. Embarrassed, the young man replied, "Oh no nothing. It's just a sparrow?" "A sparrow?" the girl asked curiously. "Yes, just a sparrow," answered the young man more firmly.

After the little girl passed away, the young man back to reading a newspaper while drinking liquor. And shortly afterwards, the young man fell asleep.
When he woke up, the young man was in hospital and felt extremely painful. A policeman asked him, "What happened?" "I do not know. I was sunbathing on the beach, then there is the little girl asked me for a while and not long after she left, I fell asleep and now suddenly here.

The police went to the beach looking for a little girl and asked, "What did you do against the man who was sunbathing?" The little girl replied, "I do not do anything to Uncle's" Only when he slept, I was playing with his sparrows. But ..................... shortly thereafter, the bird spat at my face. Therefore I break the sparrow neck and beak, I break the eggs and I burned the nest

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