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Sunday, September 25, 2011


One day a president of a country to go see the exhibition of the paintings.
Since that time he experienced eye pain and blurred eyesight, so he took one of his aides that led him.

President: "Well, this great painting. Figure fish was really alive. "
Adjutant: "Shttt ... Not so loud, sir. That is the Crocodile image. "
Then they move on to another painting.
President: "Picture This elephant is really handsome."
Adjutant: "Shttt ... Not so loud, sir. That is the picture bull. "

The President was then refrain from commenting until he arrived at one corner of the exhibition space he exclaimed:
"Well, sing iki tenan slick. Gorillas his paintings so real anatomy. "

Direct aides stunned and said:
"Pssttt .... Not so loud, sir. It's a mirror! "

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