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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


There are strange happenings in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where patients always died in the same bed in the same room and always on Friday morning, regardless of age, gender, health condition or health background.
This is very confusing for doctors. Some even think that it has something to do with the supernatural. Why always on Friday and at the same bed?
Then the doctors decided to resolve this case and investigate the cause of some of these events ... Once On Friday, everyone at the hospital anxiously waiting for adverse events it is would happen again. Then, lying is a new patientit is hospital there. Some doctors already holding Tasbih, Quran, Bible and even some longer holding wooden crosses and other holy objects to ward off evil spirits. While the patient was still lying there. Over time spinning ... 07:00 ... 07:30 ... just before the time comes sacred ... The door was open ...
Teddy ... then go part-time cleaning service for Friday. He immediately unplugged the device for breathing assistance from the AC outlet and then replace it with a vacuum cleaner and start cleaning the room.

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