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Sunday, September 25, 2011


Some developed countries seem to have started daring investments in Indonesia. Start the country's deputy representative to send Technokrat and the Prime Minister. They came by perusahaan2 discussion of state-owned (SOEs), which should be very lucrative. When the discussion came to the aircraft industry (IPTN), arose Mr. Ilham Habibie for the presentation.

Inspiration: "It is an honor for us to presentation before the fathers'
Mahattir (Malaysia): "To the Point course, what you are proud of IPTN?"
Inspiration: "Okay, it turns out we were no longer producing aircraft honor, we have been manufacturing rockets" (as she proudly showed a prototype that is still warm).
Tony Blair (UK): "Then what advantage this IPTN rocket?"
Inspiration: "If America could only land a man on the moon first, then we will be able to deliver rocket man into the sun"
Audience: "Wow ... ...!
Tony Blair: "One moment sir ..., Do not burn your rocket, if landing on the sun,. there's very hot ... "
Inspiration: "Do not worry sir, me and my team has been carefully calculate, so that we will rocket up the sun at night ....

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