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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Wife Diary

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Night - He was acting strange. Previously we arranged to meet at the Cafe. I'm shopping all day handling of friends, so maybe she upset because I'm a little late to the Cafe, but she made no comment.
His talk did not connect, so I suggested we go somewhere a rather quiet so its more comfortable talking, she agreed but remained silent and distant. I asked what was wrong - he replied, "No". I ask whether the error that made me upset. He said this has nothing to do with me and asked me not to worry. On the way home, I told her I loved her, she just smiled slightly and keep driving. I can not explain the temperament that afternoon. I do not understand why he did not answer, "I love you too". Arriving home, I miss him, and as if she did not want me anymore. He just sat and
front of the TV watching; she looks away and disappear ... ..

Finally I decided to sleep. About 10 minutes later, she
followed into the room. I can not stand it anymore, I decided to
deal with it and ask about the truth, but she fell asleep. I started to cry myself to sleep. I do not know what to do. My life seemed to end ...

Husband's Diary

Sunday, June 1, 2008

REAL MADRID lost today. Damn it!

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