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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Martin's experience as Junior High School. At that time, a junior high school student named Martin was falling in love with her friend named Jenifer. Because Martin is one timid and less confident, so he did not dare declare his love to Jennifer.

After over a month to think how to get the heart Jenifer, Martin finally decided to give a gift to Jenifer. After much thought, Martin decided to give prizes to Jenifer hat. To execute his intention, Martin went to a department. store. After getting the hat of choice, Martin rushed to pay the cashier.

  Because the atmosphere in the department. Store more crowded at that time (there happened to be a big discount) so that ordinary cashier wrap stuff is a bit inconvenience, resulting package is purchased Martinit hat mixed up with the pack that she purchased in addition to Martin. It turns out the woman next to Martinit buying underwear. Because not wait to give gifts to Jenifer, without examining the contents of the parcel again Martin immediately gave a message in the package which reads:

Jenifer, ... I accidentally gave this gift to you because I know you rarely use it while traveling. I deliberately choose the color red because I've seen you wear the color blue. I'm absolutely sure the right size for you, because I've tried it before buying and we're the same size. I think I wanted to put this to you for the first time. Jenifer, if you're happy with this gift, I hope you wear it on Friday tomorrow.

Your friend,

Anyway, the last model that I often see in films and magazines, to wear down rather bit down with a bit of hair visible

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