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Saturday, September 24, 2011


A minister who used to serve the confession of sin, suddenly gets a call for emergency meeting, because it is impossible to leave his job, the pastor asks for help to his friend a rabbi u ntuk replace. The Rabbi said that he knew nothing about the confession. The pastor asked the Rabbi to come with him and pay attention to what the preacher did. Finally they were in the confession room.
Not long after the first go.
People I: Father .... I want to go to confession
Pastor: What have you done?
People I: I've committed adultery
Pastor: How much time?
People I: Three times
Pastor: Say praise to the Virgin, enter $ 10 into the donation box and your sins are forgiven
People I: Thank you ...  (and that person go). 

The second man then entered again and percakapanpun begins ..
People II: Father .... I want to go to confession
Pastor: What have you done?
People II: I've committed adultery
Pastor: How much time?
People II: Three times
Pastor: Say praise to the Virgin, enter $ 10 into the donation box and your sins are forgiven
People II: Thank you ...

The rabbi finally understood and to understand how, for feel confident that the Rabbi was able to do so, the priest went away to attend important meetings.

A few moments later entered the third person ..
People III: Father .... I want to go to confession
Rabbi: What have you done?
People III: I've committed adultery
Rabbi: How much time?
People III: One-time
Rabbi: Do it two more times, and returned here with the money of $ 10

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