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Saturday, October 1, 2011


A mother and child while in a hotel lobby, and they both saw a young couple were having a kissing in the pool.
And the boy asked his mother, being what they are both in the pool.
Son: "Mommy, what are they both do ...?."
Mother: "Oh that, that the man was giving artificial breathing for a woman of compassion out drowning in the pool."
Son: "Oh, very compassion."
After 2 months of the event was over, the boy told his mother.
Son: "Mom, very compassion it's Cory, our servant."
Mother: "Why did he ...?"
Son: "Last night, maybe she had been drowned in the pool."
Mother: "What about ...?"
Son: "Last night I saw for myself, Daddy was giving artificial breathing for Cory."
Mother: "Ggggrrrrhhhh ... ..!!!"

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